Mag.a (FH) Kathrin Petersdorfer MSc
born in 1981
Social Work degree (University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien)
Trainer for dealing with domestic violence (Bradford City Council, GB)
Psychotherapy basic course (APG Wien)
Postgraduate Psychotherapy course (MSc Integrative Therapy, Donau University Krems)
Work experience:
Several years of working/managing Familiengerichtshilfe Wien, NÖ, Bgld. (family court assessment and support services)
Several years of working in a project for West Yorkshire Probation Trust (GB)
Counselling for victims of domestic violence
Counselling for couples and families including sex counselling
Student support services
Working with the elderly
Running trainings and group counselling sessions
Presentation/education on social work themes
Additional training:
Amongst others: mental health issues and personality disorders, working with difficult and dangerous clients, addiction, domestic violence, media training, leadership, bereavement counselling,...
praxis petersdorfer
Psychotherapie | Paartherapie |
Beratung | Supervision | Training
Mag.a (FH) Kathrin Petersdorfer, MSc
Psychotherapeutin (Integrative Therapie)
Mobil: 0676/7221491
Zieglergasse 57/3, 1070 Wien
IBAN: AT97 1420 0200 9449 9861