Based in a group practice in Herbeckstraße 19/2, 1180 Vienna, my practice room is furnished in a modern, minimalist style.


There are a few steps leading up to the entrance which is located on the mezzanine level. Due to this, my practice is not accessible to some. In these cases I can offer therapy or counselling at alternative venues if necessary.


Contact me to discuss this.

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How to get there:


Public transport:

  • S45 Gersthof (3 minute walk, around 200m)
  • Straßenbahn Linie 9 from Westbahnhof (U3,U6), Schweglerstraße (U3) to Wallrißstraße - then just stay seated and carry on one more stop to Schöffelgasse  (1 minute walk, around 50m)
  • Straßenbahn Linie 40 from Schottentor (U2), Währinger Straße/Volksoper (U6) or Gersthof (S45) to Schöffelgasse (1 minute walk, around 50m)

By car:

From Währinger Gürtel turn into Gentzgasse and follow to the end, turn left into Gersthofer Straße and after around 50 metres turn right into Herbeckstraße.