Based in a group practice in Herbeckstraße 19/2, 1180 Vienna, my practice room is furnished in a modern, minimalist style.
There are a few steps leading up to the entrance which is located on the mezzanine level. Due to this, my practice is not accessible to some. In these cases I can offer therapy or counselling at alternative venues if necessary.
Contact me to discuss this.
Public transport:
By car:
From Währinger Gürtel turn into Gentzgasse and follow to the end, turn left into Gersthofer Straße and after around 50 metres turn right into Herbeckstraße.
praxis petersdorfer
Psychotherapie | Paartherapie |
Beratung | Supervision | Training
Mag.a (FH) Kathrin Petersdorfer, MSc
Psychotherapeutin (Integrative Therapie)
Mobil: 0676/7221491
Zieglergasse 57/3, 1070 Wien
IBAN: AT97 1420 0200 9449 9861